Altea 402PH - Technical

Water Pump Running Continuously on 12 Volt

We had a problem where the water pump ran continuously when the van was not connected to 240 volt power. This is caused by the pressure valve that activates the pump being set too high. 

Apollo sent me a document that explains how to adjust it:

Adria Water Pump - Adjust Pressure Switch

Water Heater Control Switch Red Light

We had a red light issue on the water heater switch (on the café seat base). The manual tells us that it is a switch that activates the water heater. This is not strictly true. When 240 volt power is available, the water heater is always on if the 240 volt power switch that the heater plugs into is on. It is near the heater under the bed. Make sure the heater is plugged in to this power point and that the 240 volt power switch is turned on.

The switch under the café table is a three position rocker. The middle position is off. The up and down positions select the temperature for gas operation. The rocker controls gas usage of the water heater only. If the gas switch is turned on when the heater has been heated via 240 volt, you quickly get a red light due to the heater being over temperature. The gas is turned off and the red light is displayed. The heater continues to work under 240 volt power. The red light on the switch under the café table is an over temperature warning light!

If you disconnect the 240 volt power and allow the heater to cool (run some water through it). Turning the gas on with the rocker on the up position should result in normal gas water heater operation without a warning light. When using gas, remember to remove the gas exhaust cover on the external caravan wall.

I also ensure that the water heater is full of water before turning on after a period in storage (not in use). Run a hot water tap until all air has been expelled through the tap.

This was explained to me at Apollo and since then I have not had any issue with the water heater.

12 Volt Wiring Diagram for Adria Altea and Adora

Apollo supplied me with a wiring diagram for our Altea 402PH. This diagram was produced at the factory. I have detected some differences between this diagram and my 402PH. However it could be useful to anyone who needs to understand how the van (might) be wired.

Please use with caution.

Adria Altea Wiring Diagram (12 volt)

Fridge Pin Melts in 12 Pin Plug

We noted that a common problem encountered was overheating and melting of the plastic around the fridge pin in the 12 pin plug.

After our first long trip (Brisbane to Charters Towers and back), I found that our 12 pin plug had melted around the fridge pin. Although the fridge was still working on 12 volt.

The common rectification is to carry the fridge power via a separate Anderson plug.

I inspected the wires, the plug connector and the way the wires were joined to the plug.

1 The wires had not melted. Except for very close to the plug connector. The wires were handling the current.

2 The plug connector was a relatively large clean brass barrel connector. It appeared to be adequate for the expected 10 amp current.

3 The heat seemed to come from the wire where it was clamped to the brass barrel.

4 The fridge wire from the caravan was rigid as it was coated in solder.

5 When the wire was clamped into the barrel, the rigid solder coated wire was only touching the barrel via a couple of small points.

I concluded that the heat was coming from inadequate surface area contact between the wire and the barrel.

I used a soldering iron, some solder and some extra strands of copper wire to enlarge the area of contact between the wire and the barrel.

I replaced the old partially melted plug with a new one and to date, I have not had any further overheating or melting of the plug.

This may help others who encounter this type of problem.

Adria Toilet / Shower Sink - Repair Cracked Drain Hose

We have not had any trouble with our bathroom sink drain; however we have seen a number of owners reporting this problem. It is probably caused by the constant flexing of the drain pipe.

We found the following document that describes how to rectify the problem. It was written for an Adria 522 but the sink appears to be similar to that fitted to the 402PH and probably a number of other Adria models.

It is included here as a convenience. We cannot vouch for the accuracy of the content. Please use with caution.

Adria Bathroom Sink Repair


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